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Press Release by the Press Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs


 On the 5th of October, Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Colonel-General Vilayat Eyvazov visited a military unit of the MIA Internal Troops located in the Guba region.
After the welcoming ceremony, the Minister signed the "Glory Book" in the headquarters of the military unit and got acquainted with barrack accommodation conditions, nutrition, health condition of soldiers and servicemen as well as logistics, car and armored vehicle park, and landscaping work carried out in the territory.

The Minister of Internal Affairs V.Eyvazov, speaking to soldiers and servicemen, told on the problems Azerbaijan faced in the first years of independence and occupation of our lands as well as on the positive results achieved in all spheres of life of the country after the return of the great leader to power, including reforms carried out in the internal affairs bodies, fight against crime and protection of public order.

 The Minister stressed that President of the country Ilham Aliyev always highly appreciated the exceptional role and selfless service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republic and its integral part, the Internal Troops, in maintenance of public order, effective organization of crime prevention, protection of statehood against criminal intrusion, and provision of human and civil rights. He also noted that great attention was paid to the issue of provision of internal affairs bodies with necessary equipment and facilities, and with such attention and care at the highest level the Ministry of Internal Affairs and one of its main institutions - the Internal Troops - today are provided with state-of-the-art technical and special means. It was also emphasized that the working and social and living conditions of the staff have been further improved.

The Minister also noted that today determined efforts are made to safeguard, protect and preserve human rights based on the democratic principles in our country. n order to ensure high level of citizen satisfaction, relevant decisions are made in accordance with the specific tasks set by the country's leadership before government institutions including the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Reception of citizens is carried out by the Ministry's management in the cities and regions of the republic, necessary measures are taken on each request, and most of the issues raised are resolved.

 Minister Vilayat Eyvazov gave instructions and recommendations to the staff and expressed confidence that employees of the internal affairs bodies as well as servicemen of the Internal Troops would respond to the attention and care paid by the country’s leadership with reliable protection of stability and peace and determined struggle against crime, and would continue to fulfill assigned functions and faithfully serve the Native land, people, state and President.
In conclusion, soldiers and servicemen of the military unit marched in front of the reviewing stand under to the strains of ceremonial marches.


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