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Azerbaijan Police service is an example of loyalty to the state and people


On the occasion of the 106th anniversary of the establishment of the Azerbaijani Police, Interior Minister Colonel General Vilayat Eyvazov and the leadership of the Department came to the Alley of Honor and laid wreaths of flowers in front of the monumental complex of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev. The memory of outstanding scientist-ophthalmologist, academician Zarifa Aliyeva was honored.
They also visited Alley of Martyrs, where brave fighters who died for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic are buried.
A ceremony dedicated to "Police Day" and the graduation of the 2023-2024 academic year was held at the Police Academy of the Interior Ministry with the participation of the Minister, Colonel  General Vilayat Eyvazov.
The event honored the memory of national leader of our nation Heydar Aliyev, as well as police officers who rose to the height of martyrdom for the territorial integrity of our Republic and died in the performance of their duties.
Then, on the occasion of professional holiday, Colonel General Vilayat Eyvazov, who conveyed congratulations and best wishes of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Mr. Ilham Aliyev, talked of the honorable and rich service path of the Police for the last 106 years, valuable traditions created, in particular, by great leader Heydar Aliyev. During his leadership of the republic, he talked of important works done in the field of organization of police activity of Internal Affairs Bodies and strengthening them with patriotic cadres with national spirit.
Noting that the last 21 years, which constituted a new stage in the activity of Internal Affairs Bodies, was a particularly important period in terms of development and improvement, Minister Vilayat Eyvazov said within the framework of reforms carried out in the country under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev, as well as due to his special attention and care, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been strong and emphasized that modern material and technical base has been created, structural changes have been implemented at the expense of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
He noted that the police bodies, characterized by important merits in combating crime and its transnational types, ensuring order and security, ensure the protection of legitimate interests, rights and freedoms of every person at a high level.
The Minister emphasized that such qualities as honesty, integrity and responsibility are of great importance in the accurate and impeccable performance of official duties, maintaining a high level of crime detection, further improving the prevention of crime, increasing the ability of bodies and units to perform their duties. of service in difficult conditions, as well as for better fulfillment of the functions of public service in general, he informed the staff that the implementation of additional measures is the main task.
It was noted that in 2003-2023 continuous work was carried out in the field of prevention, detection, investigation of crimes, protection of legitimate interests of citizens in general, including neutralization of about 25 thousand criminal groups and gangs, more than 35 thousand illegally stored firearms were collected and the number of their illegal actions was significantly reduced. On average, 87 percent of crimes were solved, more than 77 thousand wanted defendants were arrested, and about 25 tons of drugs were seized from illegal circulation.
Referring to the importance of effective performance of such important tasks as objective and sensitive investigation of citizens' appeals and complaints, protection of the rule of law, observance of the rules of ethical conduct of the staff, the Minister also emphasized the participation of citizens in the fight against crime, especially in the field of prevention of drug trafficking, and the numerous operations with positive results based on their information.
V.Eyvazov said that after the Patriotic War, which resulted in our great victory under the leadership of victorious Commander-in-Chief Mr. Ilham Aliyev, new realities have emerged in the region, which should be realized.  "Great return" in the territories liberated from occupation, activity of police bodies, including Internal Troops, is adapted to the existing situation, order and security are ensured, service continues with great persistence and professionalism.
The Minister expressed his gratitude to citizens, veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies, heads and employees of state institutions, public organizations and representatives of the media, who always help internal affairs bodies in the performance of their official duties and share the joy of the professional holiday of the police.
Highlighting the role of the Police Academy in the achieved successes, bringing up a new generation of Azerbaijani policemen with modern outlook in the spirit of love and service to the Motherland, state and nation, V.Eyvazov congratulated the graduates on the occasion of their graduation and presented honorary diplomas to the graduates who graduated from this educational institution with the rank of senior lieutenant.
Colonel General Vilayat Eyvazov on behalf of the participants of the solemn ceremony assured the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Mr. Ilham Aliyev that the internal affairs bodies, always faithful to their oath, will continue to serve the Motherland and the people with honor and will not spare their strength and skills on this way.
The solemn event ended with a quiet circumambulation of the personnel in front of the tribune.
















