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Communication of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan


As known, the martial law was declared in the entire territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan from 00:00 pm on September 28, 2020, and the curfew is in effect during this period from 09:00 pm to 06:00 am of the next day in the cities of Baku, Ganja, Sumgayit, Yevlakh, Mingachevir, Naftalan, and in the Absheron, Jabrayil, Fizuli, Aghjabedi, Beylagan, Aghdam, Barda, Terter, Goranboy, Goygol, Dashkesan, Gadabey, Tovuz, Shamkir, Gazakh and Aghstafa regions.
Please be advised that during the curfew period, persons can travel and move through the administrative territories under martial law only on the basis of official certificates and provided that a special permit has been obtained by registering on the "" Internet portal.

We are strongly urging in this context all road users residing in the administrative territories under the curfew and/or entering/exiting these territories to end their travel before the start of the curfew taking into account the distance to their point of destination, and not to leave their place of residence (stay) during the curfew without special permission and identity documents.
A list of public officials whose movement is permitted during this period pursuant to a service instruction as well as employees of the areas that are allowed to carry out activities has been approved by the Cabinet of Ministers and the procedure of issuance of special permits (attached) has been approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Persons who obtained special movement permits based on the service certificate and registration at the “” web-site are allowed to use their service and personal vehicles.
Conditions will be created for the movement of persons taken to medical institutions by ambulance cars or by their close relatives.
It is brought to the attention of the public that close relatives of deceased persons will be able to move freely in order to prepare for the funeral in accordance with religious traditions after contacting the "102" service or the "hotline" (012 590-80-20) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and conducting appropriate proceedings on the appeal.

Legal liability measures will be taken against persons who violate the requirements of the martial law and do not comply with the legal requirements of police officers and military personnel ensuring compliance with the curfew regime.

Approved by Resolution No 358 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan of September 28, 2020
Annex 1

LIST of state authorities (agencies)
whose employees are allowed to travel with official identity cards
during the curfew declared under the martial law in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan:

1. The Office of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
2. The Administration of Affairs of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
3. The Special Medical Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan
4. The Secretary of the Service of the Security Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan
5. The Office of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan
6. The Administration of Affairs of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan
7. Deputies of the Milli Mejlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan and employees of its Office
8. The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Azerbaijan
9. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan
10. The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan
11. Employees of judicial and prosecution agencies, lawyers
12. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Azerbaijan
13. The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan
14. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan (employees of diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited in the Republic of Azerbaijan and their local staff on the basis of accreditation cards issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan)
15. The State Customs Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan
16. The Security Service of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
17. The State Security Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan
18. The Foreign Intelligence Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan
19. The State Service for Special Communication and Information Security of the Republic of Azerbaijan
20. The State Agency for Strategic Facilities Safeguarding
21. The State Border Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan
22. The State Migration Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan
23. The State Service for Mobilization and Military Induction of the Republic of Azerbaijan
24. The State Agency for Compulsory Medical Insurance of the Republic of Azerbaijan,
Management Union of Medical Territorial Units (TƏBİB), state and private healthcare institutions
25. National Agency for Mine Action of the Republic of Azerbaijan
26. Chiefs and deputy chiefs of state authorities (agencies) specified in Annex 2 to this Resolution.

Annex 2

LIST of state authorities (agencies)
whose employees are allowed to travel with official identity cards
during the curfew declared under the martial law in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan
after appropriate registration of such employees at using the electronic signature:

1. The Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan
2. The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan
3. The Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan
4. The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Azerbaijan
5 The Ministry of Defense Industry of the Republic of Azerbaijan
6. The Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan
7. The State Committee on Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons of the Republic of Azerbaijan
8. The State Committee on Work with Diaspora of the Republic of Azerbaijan
9. The State Agency for Public Services and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
10. The Food Safety Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan
11. The Azerbaijan State News Agency (AZƏRTAC)
12. The Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan, state-owned banks
13. The Icherisheher State Historical-Architectural Reserve Department (security and emergency service)
14. The Baku Seaside Boulevard Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan (security and emergency service)
15. The State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SOCAR)
16. “Azerkosmos” Open Joint-Stock Company
17.  The Azerbaijan Amelioration and Water Farm Open Joint-Stock Company
18. “AzerGold” Closed Joint-Stock Company
19. “Azerbaijan Industrial Corporation ” Open Joint-Stock Company
20. “Azerishig” Open Joint-Stock Company
21. “Azersu” Open Joint-Stock Company
22. “Azerigaz” Production Association
23. “Azerenerji” Open Joint-Stock Company
24. “Azeristiliktejhizat” Open Joint-Stock Company
25. “Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping” Closed Joint-Stock Company
26. “Azerbaijan Railway” Closed Joint-Stock Company
27. “Azerbaijan Hava Yollari” Closed Joint-Stock Company
28. “Baku Metropoliteni” Closed Joint-Stock Company
29. The Baku Transport Agency
30. The State Maritime Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan
31. The State Road Transport Service
32. The State Civil Aviation Agency
33. “Baku International Sea Trade Port ” Closed Joint-Stock Company
34. The Center of Seismological Service under the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
35. The Azerbaijan State Motor Road Agency
36. Local executive authorities
37. “Ganja Automotive Plant” Production Association.

Annex 3

LIST of areas allowed to carry out activities in the curfew period
declared under the martial law in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan:

1. Health care and social area:

1.1. services of hospitals, out-patient clinics and other medical institutions;
2. Infrastructure area:
2.1. housing and communal services (sewage and water supply, gas supply, heat supply, power distribution);
2.2. production and supply of electricity;
2.3. water farm and amelioration;
2.4. telecommunication and communication services.
3. Transport and logistics area:
3.1. cargo transportation by air, sea, railway and motor transport;
3.2. railway, maritime shipping, port and motor road services;
3.3. logistics services;
3.4. public transport services.
4. Basic kinds of production activities:
4.1. production of defense industry products;
4.2. production of oil equipment and units;
4.3. production of food products and raw materials for them, supply, procurement, storage and wholesale of food products;
4.4. production of daily care and hygiene products;
4.5. production of chemical products;
4.6. collection, production and processing of agricultural products including activities of farms;
4.7. oil and gas production, processing, storage and sale;
4.8. oil and gas pipeline transportation;
4.9. activities of the metallurgical industry;
4.10. production and repair of construction and household equipment;
4.11. production of packaging products;
4.12. production of cars and equipment;
4.13. production of electrical equipment;
4.14. production of computers, electronic and optical products;
4.15. production of motor cars, trailers and semi-trailers;
4.16. production of other transport vehicles;
4.17. production of tobacco products;
4.18. production of other industrial products.
5. Retail and wholesale:
5.1. fuel filling stations
6. Household services:
6.1. collection and utilization of household wastes.
7. Mass media.
8. Activities of educational institutions.
9. Activities on protection and technical security of private legal entities whose activities are not allowed.

Special Permit Issuance
1. This Procedure has been elaborated in accordance with Decree No.1166 “On the Declaration of Martial Law” of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan of September 27, 2020 and Resolution No. 358 of the Cabinet of Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On the regulation of certain issues related to the martial law declared in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan” of September 28, 2020 to regulate the issues related to the issuance of special movement permits to individuals and vehicles during the curfew in the administrative territories under the martial law.
2. Employees of the state authorities listed in Annex 1 to Resolution No.358 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated September 28, 2020 are allowed to travel and move in the period of curfew on the basis of a service ID card.
3. The following persons obtain special movement permit during the curfew following the input of appropriate information on them at “” web-site:
3.1. Employees of state authorities specified in Annex 2 to Resolution No.358 of the Cabinet of Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated September 28. 2020;
3.2. Persons who work in the areas specified in Annex 3 to Resolution No.358 of the Cabinet of Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated September 28. 2020;
4. Close relatives of deceased persons are allowed to move freely in order to prepare for the funeral in accordance with religious traditions after contacting the "102" service or the "hotline" (012 590-80-20) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and conducting appropriate proceedings on the appeal.
5. Persons who have tickets for international and domestic flights are allowed to leave their place of residence or stay based on their tickets, and persons who enter the country in the appropriate manner through the state border are allowed to travel to the place of residence or stay on the basis of a stamp affixed to their passports.
6. Conditions are created for the movement of persons taken to medical institutions by ambulance cars or by their close relatives.
7. Persons who obtained special movement permits based on the service certificate and registration at the “” web-site due to medical necessity are allowed to use their service and personal vehicles.
8. Movement of any person on the basis of an employment certificate issued in connection with activities carried out during the curfew is prohibited.
9. Persons who are allowed to move and travel during the curfew must carry their IDs.


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