MIA in Telegram now
28.07.2020As is known, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been maintaining the official web-pages in social networks for about four years for the purpose of further extension of public relations and improvement of police-citizen and police-media relations.
On July 28, the official Telegram page of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has also been launched and now is open to the public and users.
Our page focuses on the innovations in the internal affairs bodies, legal and structural reforms, educational, preventive measures, operative and timely publishing news about detected criminal cases.
The web-page ”Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan" (https://t.me/ polisazerbaycan) contains various materials on success achieved by the internal affairs bodies in crime prevention, public security, operational and service activities, physical, combat and vocational training, international relations, achievements of employees in science, education, culture, sports, and other fields, as well as on taken preventive measures, public meetings and other issues.