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Press Release by the Press Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs



On December 2, Minister of Internal Affairs Colonel-General Vilayat Eyvazov received the delegation headed by Chief of the General Directorate of Security of the Republic of Turkey Mehmet Aktash which was on an official visit to our country.
Having welcomed the guests, the Minister congratulated Mr. Mehmet Aktash on the appointment to the post of the Chief and wished success in his official activities.
 Colonel-General V.Eyvazov noted with appreciation the ancient historical roots of friendship between the two fraternal countries and emphasized that following independence the Azerbaijani—Turkish relations have been following an upward trend. Minister also made a point of the successful carrying out of the policy of “One nation, two states” by President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev  and President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Minister noted that the friendly and fraternal relations between our countries established as a result of the political will and mutual visits of the heads of states served as a model for the world, and expressed his confidence that this visit of Mr. Mehmet Aktash would also serve to further extension of the cooperation between the MIAs of our countries.
Minister V.Eyvazov also drew attention to the priority given to enhancement and development in the area of security like in all other aspects of society, to the activities carried out by the Police and Internal Troops of Azerbaijan on a professional level and positive results achieved in public order maintenance and crime prevention. Mr. Eyvazov emphasized the role of the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Turkey including the management of the General Directorate of Security and Gendarmerie General Command in this area, noted with appreciation their efforts and expressed gratitude to the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Turkey including the Gendarmerie General Command in the person of Mr. Mehment Aktash.
Minister further shared information about the functions and areas of activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the current crime situation as well as about the strong protection of social and political stability and peace which are one of the main factors providing rapid development of our country over recent years.
Touching upon problems, Mr. Eyvazov emphasized that combating illegal drug trafficking and illegal migration, as the main types of transnational organized crime, is in the focus of attention and all forms and manifestations of global terrorism are sharply condemned by our country, and noted that effective fight against such threats can be achieved only through joint efforts.

Chief of the General Directorate of Security of the Republic of Turkey Mehmet Aktash thanked the Minister for hearty welcome, kind words and detailed information, conveyed Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu’s regards to Colonel-General Vilayat Eyvazov, and expressed his satisfaction with the path of great development Azerbaijan has passed for a short period of time. He said that our friendly and fraternal states always adhere to a unified stand and join their efforts against global problems threatening peace and justice, stability and public security in the region and in the whole world as well as against all manifestations of organized crime.

M.Aktash highly appreciated the beneficial cooperation between the relevant bodies of the two countries and noted that he would continue to make efforts for the development of these relations having emphasized that such cooperation and exchange of experience serve the interests of our peoples and countries.
A number of other matters of mutual interest were also discussed in the atmosphere of sincerity and friendship during the meeting.
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Turkey Erkan Özoral took part in the meeting.


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