In the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Republic in 2004 an expanded Board meeting on results of works executed by internal organs for fight against crime, provide of public order and public safety was held. General-collonel Ramil Usubov, minister of internal affairs making speech with account report underlined that in 2004, a year full of important events in social-political life of republic, statehood, independence of Azerbaijan became stronger, our country integrated in international unity at high speed, national interests were defended at high level. During last 10 years multilateral reforms held by all-nation leader of our people Heydar Aliyev continued decisively by Azerbaijan Republic President Ilham Aliyev brought great success to our state, in grave degree strengthened its economic base. Under leadership of our respected President a very important factor on way of Azerbaijan to become a powerful state- social-political stability was protected and kept, complex measures aimed at social progress ,citizens solidarity, provide of human rigths and freedom at a higher level were realised. Undoubtely, modernisation and renewing processes covering all state structures also have had its positive impact on activity of internal affairs organs. On 30th of June, 2004 as an obvious evidence of high estimation of activity of internal affairs organs head of state mister Ilham Aliyev signed a number of Decrees and Directives of great value. With purpose of strengthing of social protection of personnel monthly salary of policemen and civil employees working in internal affairs organs system was increased twice, but special assignment – mobile police regular divisions in three times. By the same Decree an Internal Security department was established in ministry structure. In accordance with National Activity Plan on Combatting against Human Trade Department on Combatting against Human Trade was established in structure of Head Department on Combatting against Organised Crime in may of last year by appropriate order of ministry. As a succesful result of economic reforms executed in our country by initiative of and Decree signed by state head mister Ilham Aliyev a spesial State Program “On improvement of Azerbaijan Republic police organs activity” was adopted and actions needed for its execution are going on. Then minister of internal affairs informed that positive tends and traditions of last years on combat against crime, provide of public order were also continued last year. Azerbaijan kept the first position on territory of CIS in 2004 from the point of minority of crime (203) per 100 thousand people of population. During account period 16,210 crime events were registered, crime reveal indicators improved at 94,2 per cents in comparison with 2003. number of crimes not revealed decreased till 11,4 per cents. Intentional murder of men, robbery, pillage reveal indicators rose up, all crimes related to banditry, hostage of men and request by menace were revealed. Intentions to men murder decreased till 9,8 %, to rape - 49 %, intentional inflicts to health15,4 %, robbery of auto transport 28,8 %, robbery of cattle 24,4 %. Reveal by “hot tracks”of 186 crimes occured in unclear curcumstances was provided, 1631 fire-arms kept unlegally were taken. 5, 188 men being in search, including 231 hid in CIS states, also 6 men committed crime against state power were arrested. 3, 952 men committed 1850 crimes in group were attracted to responsibility. 21 facts related to preparation and/or sell of fake money and other security papers were found. 115 facts related to men trade were found out, 106 men were attracted to responsibility on them. 89 men were attracted to responsibility on 113 facts found out in relation to illegal actions against public morality. In result of executed operational-search measures 218 kilograms of narcotic substances were taken out of illegal circulation, 674 facts related to its sell were found out. Also, plants with narcotic content in total weight of 410 tons were found and liquidated. It was mentioned in account report that in 2004 foundation of legal breaches entailing administrative responsibility, but not of criminal character, and execution of adequate measures were in the centre of attention. Administrative protocols on 244, 785 men for diffirent kinds of administrative offence, including more than 192 thousand of drivers for breach of traffic rules, more than 23 thousand men for breach of registration rules in living place and present place were drawn. Last year in result of realised measures for breach of rules of electricity and heat power, also of water use in accordance with Azerbaijan Republic Administrative Offences Code protocols about 4, 654 men were drawn, also destruction of 51 houses and fences illegally constructed on protection line of magistral oil and gas pipelines, electric lines of high voltage was provided. During happened fires lives of 282 men, 24,5 mlrd manats’ property was saved. Also a deal of works executed on multilateral, regional and bilateral level in cooperation sphere by ministry was mentioned. General-colonel Ramil Usubov in his report mentioned that a great attention was drawn to acceptance of citizens and looking through their complaints arising from requirements execution of Decree “On measures of aceelerating of social-economic advance in Azerbaijan Republic” signed by head of state mister Ilham Aliyev on 24th of November, 2003; the issue was in everyday control of ministry head. As a result of executed aimed measures, during account period number of applications from Azerbaijan Republic Cabinet of Ministers and Milli Meclis to ministry decreased respectively in 2,3 times and 15,5 per cents, complaints on policemen – 32,6 per cents, including on registration and identification card service 30,7 per cents, traffic police – 22 per cents, in relation with public order in 5,7 times, with non conduction of objective investigation – 28,4 per cents, applications related to investigation of crime cases decreased in amount of 34,8 per cents. 512 men were accepted by Ministry of Internal Affairs, also by ministry in different regions of republic. All applications and complaints were taken into control and most of them was settled positively. Minister of internal affairs mentioned in his report that along with successes certain disadvantages and faults existed last year. Though improvement and high level of reveal indicators intentional murder of men increased up to 18 facts, robbery 16, pillages -8 facts, traffic events rose up to 21,3 per cents. Indicators of works of combat against illegal circulation of drugs do not reflect real situation. Minister requested soon liquidation of existing disadvantages and faults Around the account report Ministry of Internal Affairs Commander of Internal Troops, general-major Zakir Hasanov, Nakhchivan AR internal affairs minister, general-major of internal service Ahmad Ahmadov, Baku City Main Police Department head, police general-lieutenant Maharram Aliyev, Main Investigation and Inquest Department head, police general-major Sarvar Mehraliyev, Main Crime-Search Department head, police general-major Zakir Nasirov, Main Public Security head, police general-major Javanshir Mammadov, head of Police Academy, police general-major Rasul rasulov and others made their speeches. Minister of internal affairs, general-colonel Ramil Usubov finishing the Board, indicated that the duty arising for us in sphere of progress and strengthing of our state, improvement of nation’s social state is protection and strengthing of social-political stability as on of the main factors of conducted by Azerbaijan Republic President mister Ilham Aliyev state policy, achievement of dinamic development and perfection of activity in any sphere. At the same time they are to execute requirements arising from Decrees and Directives of state head, to gain trust and faith of citizens, always to serve faithfully to the nation and state, as our all-nation leader Heydar Aliyev recommended. From the name of Board participants minister of Internal Affairs ensured Azerbaijan Republic President, Supreme Head Commander of Armed Forces mister Ilham Aliyev that in the name of our state’s progress, improvement of nation’s state and happy future personnel of internal affairs organs will further honorably execute its duties, always vigilantly will stay at protection of order, human rights.
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