Press release by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and General Public Prosecutors Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan


Based on intelligence received, Mushfig Salifov, 25 years of age was detained by law enforcement agencies and “NAGAN” type of revolver with 7 bullets, illegally carried by the latter one, were seized from him. \

Based on this fact it was brought an accusation against M.Salifov with pending issuance of arrest warrant pursuant to the article 228.1 of the Penal Code of Azerbaijan.

In a result of investigative measures conducted against M.Salifov, his conviction in 1996 to 15 years imprisonment for commitment of grave crimes and complicity in different type of crimes with his brother Nadir Salifov, known in the criminal world under nickname as “GULU”, were revealed.

The investigation also revealed that in 2001 while Nadir Salifov was in prison no. 6, committed actions humiliating honor and virtue of the prisoner who lost 280.000 azeri manats playing card with him. Using cell phone, N.Salifov called to spouse of the prisoner by threat to kill him and forced her to come to the prison, illegally arranging her entrance into the prison and had sexual intercourse with her several times by force.

It is also revealed that during 2001-2004 while being in high security prisons nos. 6, 16 and Gobustan prison, N.Salifov arranged illegal entrance of 8 known women into the prison by support of his brother and authorities of the prison, with the view to have sexual intercourse with them occurred in some cases by force or violation. Moreover, he arranged such service for his other prisoner friends as well.

In spite to his being under custody in Gobustan prison of high security level, N.Salifov obtained 4 cell phone numbers to keep contact with previously convicted friends at large. By use of these contacts he arranged extortion of funds from different businessmen and persons, acting in Azerbaijan.

His accomplice Fariz Mammadov also was detained on January 27 and “MAKAROV” type pistol with 5 bullets was seized from him. It is established that by the instruction of N.Salifov, professional World champion boxer, Fariz Mammadov being in criminal conspiracy with M.Salifov, several times received money from owners of restaurants “Inter-Grand”, “Anadolu” and “3 Palms” by means of threat and extortion and forced them to render their financial assistance to other prisoner friends,  kept in other prisons. The investigation also revealed that F.Mammadov received USD 8.000 from Anar Aliyev by means of extortion, misappropriating part of money and sent rest of money to N.Salifov.

Presently the case is under investigation and urgent operative measures are being continued.

Also the officials of the prisons no. 6, 16 and Gobustan prison together with officials of Guarding Battalion are brought to the criminal responsibility pursuant to the article 308.2 (abuse by power) of the Penal Code of Azerbaijan for arrangement of suitable conditions for N.Salifov at the prison. The case is being investigated by the General Prosecutors’ Office of Azerbaijan.

It is necessary to note that some persons who are on intimate terms with above mentioned  severe criminals and have close links with some press outlets as “AZADLIG”, BAKI KHABAR” and “YENI MUSAVAT” of radical opposition, create faked stir in their issues about these cases with the view to protect them.

Persons, trying to make use of these criminal motivated facts for their own untidy political views, should remember that law enforcement agencies constantly standing up for defense of rule-of-law, will do all their effort and best in protection of human rights, public security and to provide criminal’s liability in tort.


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