The Information of the Press Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs


On April 8, the wide board meeting was held in the Ministry of Internal Affairs dedicated to the status of “compliance with accounting and registration discipline”, “prevention and detection of the crimes against property, especially the crimes of robbery, plunder and car hijacking” as well as the works done in the field of “prophylaxis of crimes” and the duties set forth.

 The Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic, colonel-general Ramil Usubov prior to discussing the agenda reminded that in the night of April 2, the Armenian Armed Forces fired the densely inhabited living stations close to the contact line and the positions of Azerbaijan Armed Forces by large caliber weapons, mortars, grenade launchers and artillery devices along the front. He especially stressed that in the result of the response measures taken by our army under the supervision of the President of Azerbaijan Republic, the commander-in-chief Mr. Ilham Aliyev of our Armed Forces, the battle operations implemented and the crushing blows delivered by them, multiple live force, battle equipment and military infrastructure of the enemy have been destroyed, a number of heights of strategic importance and dwelling stations were fully set free. The police authorities have coped with their tasks in ensuring the security of the population in the regions along the front.

It was noted with regret that the battle operations were not survived without loss for us. Mr. Ramil Usubov brought to the attention that the courage, herosim of our army has created high spirits among the people, especially youth, funeral of our martyred soldiers and  officers with great enthusiasm, those ceremonies that thousands of people joined is the obvious manifestation of close devotion of our people to its President, their country and land love and their resolution to set free the occupied territories through military operations if peace negotiations will give no result.    
By the suggestion of the minister, the memory of our militant, as well as civil citizens was remembered with a minute silence.
Then the minister of internal affairs touching the agenda of the meeting stated that the three issues put on the discussion were actual and covered the important directions of the activity.

The chief of the Head Office for Operative and Statistic Information, the police major-general Elshan Kazimov delivered as speech with the report on the first issue on the agenda. He said that the related field of activity is kept under regular control, collection, processing and archiving of legal statistics, operative-inquiry, criminal information was accelerated and new information banks were formed. The commissioned automated systems and software were regularly updated, they were widely used in combatting crime.
The analytical materials and reports, summary-refernces and directives reflecting the condition of the crime in the country, existing shortcomings and errors, the tasks on prevention of them were developed and directed to execution.  

It was stated that great importance was given to full and accurate record of information on crimes and events, and service instructions regulating the relevant field were updated, the execution of them was taken under control, the condition of the executed works was repeatedly discussed in board meetings and operative meetings. “102” service – call center system operating in the Ministry since 2007 has confirmed its practical role in implementation of centralized control on record of crimes, it played an important role in minimization of the level of latent crime. Connection of the police authorities to the Single Information-Search system (Information Portal) of the MIA has enabled increasing efficiency of prophylactic, investigative and operative-investigation activities along with prevention of unnecessary correspondence, loss of time.
The Rapporteur stated that besides the pre-board investigations indicated that duly attention was not paid to compliance with accounting-registration discipline in some city, district police authorities, organization of activities in accordance with the requirements of the normative legal acts.

The chief of the Head Office for Criminal Investigation, the police major-general Emin Shakinski delivering a speech with the report on the works done in the field of detection and prevention of the crimes against property said that the Head Office has provided practical assiatnce to the city, district police authorities whick lagged behind in combating crimes against property during the past period of the present year, the crimes creating wide public resonance were discussed in operative meetings and the progress of the taken measures was taken under control.
By the operative-investigation measures taken, 742 groups consisting of 2009 persons who committed crimes against property, as well as 15 organized groups consisting of 83 persons were neutralized. In total, 9443 crimes against propert, as well as 4597 facts of theft of personal property, 239 facts of plunder, 167 facts of robbery, 225 facts of car hijacking were detected. 5179 persons were involved in criminal liability for those crimes, 1678 wanted persons were arrested. By direct participation of the associates of the Head Office, about 300 crimes against property were detected, 67 persons who committed those crimes were identified and detained.

It was noted that the application of information systems of the Ministry was of great importance in prophylaxis of the crimes against property. With the technical opportunities of the “102” service and “Safe City” system, 69 crimes of theft, 66 crimes of attempt to theft, 6 crimes of plunder, 10 crimes of robbery, 9 crimes of car hijacking and other crimes were detected with “hot tracks”, 158 cars being searched were stopped.
In order to install security-alarm system in the facilities in private property and in private apartments, the number of protected facilities was increased 1170 units and the number of apartments was increased 1233 units with the measures taken under the related board decisions on intensification of propogand among the population. 144 events of theft were prevented in protected facilities and 74 persons were arrested.       
In 2015, detection of the crimes against property was improved 4.4 % and constituted 70.7 %. As well as, detection of theft events was improved 5,7 %, detection of fraud 1,3 %, detection of demanding by threat 1,8 %, detection of car hijacking was improved 5,8 %.

The chief of the head Office for Public security, the police major-general Javanshir Mammadov delivered as speech with report on the third issue on the agenda. He stated that about 40 information systems on prevention of crimes, protection of the public order and provision of the public security, organization of safety of the traffic and other directions were given to use based on the adopted new legislative acts. Large normative base regulating preventive work field was established.
In order to prevent the crimes, especially those in domestic conditions, committed by the previously convicted persons, the underage persons, to improve the performance of the prophylactic work bodies in this field, the directions reflecting preventive actions were developed and sent to the places.
The Rapporteur noted that the expedient reforms also covered territorial police chiefs and inspectors institute implementing important fucntions in the field of prophylaxis of the crimes, the Republic meeting, virtual seminar-exercises for the zones were held with the purpose of increasing their professionalism. The works were continued in the direction of improvement of works of police field stations, expansion of relations with the population, facilitation of application of citizens to the police field stations, the addresses of the field stations, phone numbers, the date and time of reception of citizens, necessary information about the associates conducting service there and their contact numbers were posted in the web site of the Ministry. By the measures taken, 87.233 citizens have applied to the police field stations in respect to various issues ony in the last year, and this is 3 % higher in comparison with 2014.

These and other measures taken as in previous years conditioned the positive results in prophylaxis of the crimes in 2015. 2014-cü illə müqayisədə qəsdən adam öldürmələr 7,3 faiz, qəsdən sağlamlığa ağır zərər vurmalar 6,7 faiz, xuliqanlıqlar 4,5 faiz, avtonəqliyyatın qaçırılması 26,6 faiz, mal-qara oğurluqları 17,1 faiz, əzab vermələr 26,3 faiz, yetkinlik yaşına çatmayanların cinayətləri 2,4 faiz, ictimai yerlərdə baş vermiş cinayətlər 2 faiz, yol-nəqliyyat hadisələri 15,7 faiz, qəzalarda ölənlərin sayı 20,5 faiz, yaralananların sayı 15,4  faiz azalıb.

The persons delivering speech in the discussions spoke about the executed works, existing gaps and shortcomings and the measures to be taken for prevention of them.
The minister concluding the meeting reminded that as in the previous periods, in the first quarter of the present year, positive results were obtained in the field of combating crime, protection of public order, human rights and freedoms in the republic, joint related and efficient cooperation of the police with prosecution, public and other la enforcement authorities in this work has played an important role.
By noting that the works done on the issues on the agenda were satisfactory in whole, at the same time there certain shortcomings and gaps in some territorial authorities, he required to take adequate measures and to create thorough turn in relevant directions for prevention of them by being analyzed within short period of time, and gave concrete recommendations and tasks on actual issues and several directions of operative-service activities.
The minister of internal affairs by touching the accidents survived in frontal zone for recent times stated that the important duties are assigned on the police in accordance with the requirements of the war period during the battle operations in contact line, and instructed to continue the necessary actions in frontal regions in accordance with the order of the president of Azerbaijan Republic dated September 24, 2014 and the actions plan of the Ministry connected with it.

The colonel-general Ramil Usubov by stating that row check was conducted in respect to admission of citizens to the civil service in several regions within the framework of “the decree on ensuring the participation of citizens in protection of the public order” signed by the country president on February 2 of the present year, at present analogical measures are continued, required the chiefs of the related services and territorial police authorities to keep this issue in the center of attention.

The minister, reminding that new Code of Administrative Offences was effective from March 1, noted the importance of serious compliance with the requirements of those legislative acts the office activities, deep study of the articles related to authorities of the police by the personnel in the first turn.
The minister stated that the president of Azerbaijan Republic Mr. Ilham Aliyev always pays attention and care to the authorities of internal affairs, and this puts greater responsibility on us. He made assured the head of the country that the personnel will will manage all tasks and duties provided for in the legislation, will not begrudge its force and skills for protection of stability, peace and as well as legal interests of the citizens in the country against unlawful actions.
