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Procedure for applying

Electronic appeals to the internal affairs bodies are carried out in accordance with the "Procedure for review of citizens’ appeals submitted to the internal affairs agencies and internal troops” approved by Resolution No 5 dated 03.02.2018 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.


  1. Electronic appeals submitted in electronic form by entering ID card data through the official web-site of the Ministry on Internal Affairs are received by the Department for reception and review of citizens’ appeals of the MIA Secretariat and registered and reviewed in accordance with the Law of the Republic on Citizen Appeals No 1308-IVQ of 30 September 2015, as well as the “Procedure for records-keeping activities related to citizens’ appeals in state and municipal authorities, legal entities and budgetary organizations in state or municipal ownership or entities/organizations in which the state or a municipality is the main owner (has a controlling interest)” approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan No 950 of 23 June 2016 and the Procedure for monitoring of records-keeping activities related to citizens’ appeals in state authorities, legal entities and budgetary organizations in state or municipal ownership or entities in which the state or a municipality is the main owner (has a controlling interest).
       1. In accordance with clause 6.4 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Citizen Appeals, anonymous appeals are not accepted and not reviewed by relevant departments and their officials.
        2. In accordance with clause 8.1.4 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Citizen Appeals, if a substantive response has been given to repeated appeals three times in a year and subsequent appeals contain no new information for the solution of the issue such appeals shall be kept unconsidered and the applicant shall be accordingly notified thereof.
    3. In accordance with the “Procedure for records-keeping activities related to citizens’ appeals in state and municipal authorities, legal entities and budgetary organizations in state or municipal ownership or entities/organizations in which the state or a municipality is the main owner (has a controlling interest)” approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 950 of 23 June 2016, the officer shall  respond to an appeal which was received before the end of the appeal review period and is not considered as a repeated appeal in a single response letter by summarizing the information contained in such appeal and any previous appeals.
  3. It is important to fill in correctly the appeal form before writing the text. Make sure to enter the text using the alphabet of the language in which it is written. Do not use only uppercase or lowercase letters when typing the text. Divide the text into sentences and observe the rules of punctuation. Please make sure that your appeal is clear and intelligible.
  4. When applying, please comply with ethical standards. Once the appeal received, an appropriate receipt notification appears on the screen.
  5. The Leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs receives citizens on issues within the competence of the Ministry. The schedule of MIA visiting days and hours is available here.