History of the MIA
Initially, the Ministry of Internal Affairs was established by the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan upon proclaiming national independence on May 28, 1918. Within the period of 1918-1920, the Ministry with the national police forces as part of it had been in the foreground of nation-state building in Azerbaijan by playing an important role in advocating national interests and protecting state sovereignty.
Since the fall of the independent Republic of Azerbaijan on April 27, 1920, and all over the Soviet period the Ministry of Internal Affairs of that time the Soviet Socialist Republic of Azerbaijan had been subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. As was the case with all Soviet government agencies it had a clear class character. However even despite this in the same very period units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Azerbaijan succeeded in gaining significant experience in the field of combating crime and protection of public order. With high competence and professionalism officers of the Ministry had been courageously guarding domestic tranquility, and significant institutional development had been accomplished by the agency.
During Second World War, around 800 employees of Azerbaijani police have been awarded various awards and medals for courage and heroic struggle against fascism.
In the period of the Karabakh war, for the struggle of territorial integrity and independence of Azerbaijan, 1145 persons of internal troops’ staff perished and 681employees became invalids.
In the battles for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan 465 police officers, 680 servicemen of internal troops became martyrs, 67 employees of the Interior was given the honorary title of "National Hero", 86 - was awarded the "Azerbaijan Bayragy" 247 - other orders and medals.
Pursuant to the Constitutional Act on the National Independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan adopted on October 18, 1991, the Azerbaijani Ministry of Internal Affairs was no longer subordinate to the relevant Ministry of the former USSR. From that time on it started been as the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the sovereign Republic of Azerbaijan.
In 1992 the Republic of Azerbaijan acceded the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) with the National Central Bureau (NCB) of Interpol established within the Ministry of Internal Affairs on November 24, 1992.
With a view to providing units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with experts of university-level education, the Police Academy was established at the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Azerbaijan on the basis of the N.Rzayev Special Police College pursuant to the Presidential Decree of May 23, 1992, and the Order by the Cabinet of Ministers of June 9, 1992.
The Regulations and institutional structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were approved by the Presidential decree on June 30, 2001.
Following the Presidential decree on June 30, 2004, the Department of Internal Security was established at the Ministry with a view to conducting corporate control over the MIA services, prevention of activities incompatible with the police service, exposure of corrupt officers, and facts conducive to corruption.
In compliance with the National Action Plan for Combating Human Traffic in the Republic of Azerbaijan (enacted pursuant to the Presidential Decree of May 6, 2004) the Department on Human Traffic was established within the Main Organized Crime Department of the MIA.
Following persons hold the post of the Minister of Internal Affairs throughout the history of the Republic of Azerbaijan:
Khoyski Fatali Khan Iskandarkhan oglu (28.05.1918 - 17.06.1918)
Behbudkhan Javanshir (17.06.1918 – 26.12.1918)
Khasmammadov Khalil bey (26.12.1918 – 16.06.1919)
Usubbeyov Nasib bey Yusif oglu (16.06.1919 – 22.12.1919)
Hajinski Mammadhasan (22.12.1919 – 15.02.1920)
Vekilov Mustafa bey (15.02.1920 – 28.04.1920)
Sultanov Hamid Hasan oglu (28.04.1920 - 01.06.1921)
Bagirov Mirjafar Abbas oglu (05.10.1921 – 22.05.1927)
Rizayev Novruz Kerim oglu (22.05.1927 – 10.07.1929)
Yemelyanov Stepan Fyodorovich (01.08.1929 – 05.02.1941)
Yagubov Mirteymur Alekper oglu (06.03.1941 – 01.06.1943)
Atakishiyev Agaselim Ibrahim oglu (10.07.1943 – 06.06.1953)
Guskov Anatoliy Mikhaylovich (08.08.1953 – 25.03.1954)
Buliga Ivan Yefistofiyevich (30.04.1954 – 10.07.1956)
Kerimov Ali habib oglu (11.08.1956 – 05.02.1960)
Mammadov Khalil Mammad (03.11.1960 – 05.02.1965)
Alizade Mammad Ali oglu (05.01.1965 – 19.03.1970)
Heydarov Arif Nazar oglu (19.03.1970 – 20.07.1978)
Veliyev Jafar Jabrayil oglu (04.11.1978 – 06.04.1987)
Mammadov Aydin Israfil oglu (07.04.1987 – 09.05.1990)
Asadov Mohammad Nabi (23.05.1990 – 18.11.1991)
Kerimov Tofig Mirza oglu (18.11.1991 – 20.02.1992)
Aliyev Tahir Yunus oglu (24.02.1992 – 25.05.1992)
Hamidov Iskender Majid oglu (26.05.1992 – 16.04.1993)
Allahverdiyev Abdulla Museyib oglu (21.04.1993 – 29.03.1994)
Novruzov Vagif Yusif oglu (07.07.1993 – 29.04.1994)
Usubov Ramil Idris oglu (29.04.1994 – 20.06.2019)
- Eyvazov Vilayat Suleyman oglu (20.06.2019 – till now)