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Məhkumluq Xidmətə qəbul Mülki silah


MIA Employment policy

1. Based on the principle of voluntariness, as well as personal and professional qualities, citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan who are in good health condition and have education, which are sufficient to perform duties vested with the Internal Affairs Bodies, have served and are fit for the military service (except for women), have command of the official language of the Republic of  Azerbaijan, are not younger than 20 and not older than 30; shall be entitled to recruitment for service in the Internal Affairs Bodies. The persons with secondary education shall be entitled to admission to the educational facility of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The persons below 35 shall be entitled to fill the positions of middle- and high-level superiors in the financial, economic, criminal evidence examination and medical services; software programmer specialist positions, and positions in the educational facilities. In case of necessity, as an exception, the persons up to 40, who have a scientific degree, shall be entitled to be recruited to fill position in educational facility or other service.

2. An applicant for the recruitment to the service in the Internal Affairs Bodies shall provide the following documents:
1) letter of intention;
2) identifying document;
3) work experience book;
4) military service book;
5) document proving his education;
6) CV;
7) information on the place of birth, work and residence of his/her relatives and dependants.

3. Recruitment to the service in the Internal Affairs Body of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be conducted on the basis of competition and by means of transparent procedures (written test and oral interview).

4. Persons who have dual citizenship, have liabilities to other states, are representatives of clergy, have effective court decision recognizing their limited or complete lack of capacity to work issued in their regard, have previous criminal convictions, have criminal proceedings against them cancelled on the grounds other that acquittal, have been sacked from service in the Internal Affairs bodies or other law-enforcement body for committing serious faults, occupying themselves in activities incompatible with service in the Internal Affairs Bodies, being totally unfit for service, conducting himself/herself disgracefully, shall not be entitled to recruitment to the service in the Internal Affairs Body.

5. Persons with secondary or specialized secondary education shall be entitled to serve in the private and low-level superior positions in the Internal Affairs Bodies. Admission of the persons with university degrees to the low-level superior positions in the Internal Affairs Bodies shall be carried out in order fixed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

6. Posts of middle- and high-level superiors shall, as a rule, be filled by persons with special, secondary specialized, and law degree education.