Crime Analysis for 2013
Analysis of the results of the work conducted by the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Republic in the field of combating crime, preserving law and order and securing public safety in 2013
In 2013 the performance of the duties established by the law on the protection of people’s lives, health, right and liberties, legal interests and properties of the government, juridical and physical persons’ against illegal actions were continued by Internal Affairs Bodies within the frame of the appropriate State programs and conceptions taking legislative acts as the guide.
On all the registration subjects 22381 (in comparison with 2012 +2.2 %) acts of crime were registered and 85.3% (-0.9%) of them were solved.
Number of the crimes registered by the Internal Affairs Bodies and Prosecuting Bodies was 20465 decreasing by 1%. 52.7% (10781) of them were less grave, 33.1% (66774) were the crimes not posing great threat to public safety, and 14.2% (2910) were grave and especially grave crimes.
20.3% (4155) of the crimes were committed against personality, 42,3% (8675) were committed in the economic activities sphere, 33.8% (6911) crimes were committed against public safety and public order and 3.5% (722) crimes were committed against the state authority.
Crimes committed against personality decreased by 36.2% (-2358), including homicide solicitations decreased by 14.6%(-12), crimes committed in the economic sphere increased by 24% (+1679) and of them, thefts from apartments committed against property increased 33.5% (+441), auto transport theft crimes increased by 10.6% (+32) as well as the crimes committed against public safety and public order6.3% (+411) and the crimes committed against the state authority increased by 8.6% (+57) in the structure of registered crimes.
Solutions of grave and especially grave crimes (83.2) including intentional homicides (95%), plundering crimes (81.1%), crimes related to extortion by blackmail (96.2%) considerably improved, also 326 crimes unsolved in the previous years were cleared, including 70 grave and especially grave crimes.
In total, solution of the crimes is 85.4%.
85.5% (2987) of the unsolved crimes were less grave and crimes not posing great threat to public safety and only 14.5% (507) were grave and especially grave crimes. 56.6% (287) of the latter was against property, 24.8% (126) was related to illegal circulation of drugs and 15.6% (79) was against personality.
In the result of operational search measures taken 80 (-9) human trafficking crimes and 4 (+2) forced employment crimes were discovered and a criminal group consisting of 12 persons was rendered harmless. The victims of these illegal actions were discovered to be 56 people (41 of them were women).
170 (+15) crimes related to illegal actions against the public morality, including crimes related to involvement into prostitution 73 (+25) and 68 (-8) crimes related to keeping immoral dens were discovered and criminal proceedings were instituted against 118 persons and appropriate official measures were taken about 394 women.
Besides, the number of appropriate illegal actions committed by previously convicted persons decreased by 5.8% , number of the crimes committed by drug addicts decreased by 6.4%, number of the crimes committed in public places decreased by 8.3% and the number of the crimes committed on private bases decreased by 43.6%. In total, 59% (170) of the 288 intentional homicides and homicide solicitations solved in the republic were on the base of jealousness, argument and other family life bases.
In the reported year with complex operational search measures taken against organized criminality, 760 criminal groups and clusters uniting 2095 people who committed 1833 crimes, including 688 grave and especially grave crimes, were rendered harmless.
2577 (+5.1%) crimes related to drugs, including the 677 (-5%) ones for sale purposes were discovered and 619 (+23) kg of drugs were taken from illegal circulation, approximately 302 (-11) tons of drug containing plants were destroyed as green mass. 54 criminal groups consisting of 135 people engaged in illegal drugs circulations were rendered harmless, 65.1 (+10.2%) kg of drugs were prevented from smuggling to the territory of the country. 1921 (90.1%) of 2131 persons committed such crimes were unemployed and uneducated, 609 (28.6%) were previously convicted, 516 (24.2%) were young people and 51 (2.4%) were women.
Positive results were obtained in the field of arresting the criminals in search for the crimes committed against the state authority (67.1%), for fake money preparation (66.7%), crimes related to extortion by blackmail (64.7%) and for illegal drug circulation (78.9).
2059 prosecuted persons in local and international search (402 persons for grave and especially grave crimes), including 80 persons hiding in USS and other foreign countries were imprisoned during the reporting period. 72 persons who were in international search by Interpol National Central Bureau and 29 persons who were in search by the member countries of this organization were located.
The indicator of search work was in total 66.5% and finding od missing persons was 74.3% (698 of 940 people).
88.3% (13112) of 14841 persons who committed illegal actions were the ones who had done it first time, 76.9% (11420) were unemployed, 39% (5787) were young people, 6.8% (1012) were women, 11.6% (1729) were previously convicted persons, 3.5% (514) were minors and 1.4% (215) were foreigners.
12.361 persons were brought to trial for different crimes in republic, 9653 (78.1%) of them were unemployed and uneducated, 1708 (13.8%) were previously convicted, 777 (6.3%) were women, and 456 (3.7%) were minors.
Main Operations & Statistics Department
In 2013 the performance of the duties established by the law on the protection of people’s lives, health, right and liberties, legal interests and properties of the government, juridical and physical persons’ against illegal actions were continued by Internal Affairs Bodies within the frame of the appropriate State programs and conceptions taking legislative acts as the guide.
On all the registration subjects 22381 (in comparison with 2012 +2.2 %) acts of crime were registered and 85.3% (-0.9%) of them were solved.
Number of the crimes registered by the Internal Affairs Bodies and Prosecuting Bodies was 20465 decreasing by 1%. 52.7% (10781) of them were less grave, 33.1% (66774) were the crimes not posing great threat to public safety, and 14.2% (2910) were grave and especially grave crimes.
20.3% (4155) of the crimes were committed against personality, 42,3% (8675) were committed in the economic activities sphere, 33.8% (6911) crimes were committed against public safety and public order and 3.5% (722) crimes were committed against the state authority.
Crimes committed against personality decreased by 36.2% (-2358), including homicide solicitations decreased by 14.6%(-12), crimes committed in the economic sphere increased by 24% (+1679) and of them, thefts from apartments committed against property increased 33.5% (+441), auto transport theft crimes increased by 10.6% (+32) as well as the crimes committed against public safety and public order6.3% (+411) and the crimes committed against the state authority increased by 8.6% (+57) in the structure of registered crimes.
Solutions of grave and especially grave crimes (83.2) including intentional homicides (95%), plundering crimes (81.1%), crimes related to extortion by blackmail (96.2%) considerably improved, also 326 crimes unsolved in the previous years were cleared, including 70 grave and especially grave crimes.
In total, solution of the crimes is 85.4%.
85.5% (2987) of the unsolved crimes were less grave and crimes not posing great threat to public safety and only 14.5% (507) were grave and especially grave crimes. 56.6% (287) of the latter was against property, 24.8% (126) was related to illegal circulation of drugs and 15.6% (79) was against personality.
In the result of operational search measures taken 80 (-9) human trafficking crimes and 4 (+2) forced employment crimes were discovered and a criminal group consisting of 12 persons was rendered harmless. The victims of these illegal actions were discovered to be 56 people (41 of them were women).
170 (+15) crimes related to illegal actions against the public morality, including crimes related to involvement into prostitution 73 (+25) and 68 (-8) crimes related to keeping immoral dens were discovered and criminal proceedings were instituted against 118 persons and appropriate official measures were taken about 394 women.
Besides, the number of appropriate illegal actions committed by previously convicted persons decreased by 5.8% , number of the crimes committed by drug addicts decreased by 6.4%, number of the crimes committed in public places decreased by 8.3% and the number of the crimes committed on private bases decreased by 43.6%. In total, 59% (170) of the 288 intentional homicides and homicide solicitations solved in the republic were on the base of jealousness, argument and other family life bases.
In the reported year with complex operational search measures taken against organized criminality, 760 criminal groups and clusters uniting 2095 people who committed 1833 crimes, including 688 grave and especially grave crimes, were rendered harmless.
2577 (+5.1%) crimes related to drugs, including the 677 (-5%) ones for sale purposes were discovered and 619 (+23) kg of drugs were taken from illegal circulation, approximately 302 (-11) tons of drug containing plants were destroyed as green mass. 54 criminal groups consisting of 135 people engaged in illegal drugs circulations were rendered harmless, 65.1 (+10.2%) kg of drugs were prevented from smuggling to the territory of the country. 1921 (90.1%) of 2131 persons committed such crimes were unemployed and uneducated, 609 (28.6%) were previously convicted, 516 (24.2%) were young people and 51 (2.4%) were women.
Positive results were obtained in the field of arresting the criminals in search for the crimes committed against the state authority (67.1%), for fake money preparation (66.7%), crimes related to extortion by blackmail (64.7%) and for illegal drug circulation (78.9).
2059 prosecuted persons in local and international search (402 persons for grave and especially grave crimes), including 80 persons hiding in USS and other foreign countries were imprisoned during the reporting period. 72 persons who were in international search by Interpol National Central Bureau and 29 persons who were in search by the member countries of this organization were located.
The indicator of search work was in total 66.5% and finding od missing persons was 74.3% (698 of 940 people).
88.3% (13112) of 14841 persons who committed illegal actions were the ones who had done it first time, 76.9% (11420) were unemployed, 39% (5787) were young people, 6.8% (1012) were women, 11.6% (1729) were previously convicted persons, 3.5% (514) were minors and 1.4% (215) were foreigners.
12.361 persons were brought to trial for different crimes in republic, 9653 (78.1%) of them were unemployed and uneducated, 1708 (13.8%) were previously convicted, 777 (6.3%) were women, and 456 (3.7%) were minors.
Main Operations & Statistics Department