Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on passports
The present law guarantees the right of citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan to leave the Republic of Azerbaijan and to enter the Republic of Azerbaijan (further - exit from the country and entry into the country) in accordance with the General Declaration of human rights and with the relevant international agreements of the Republic of Azerbaijan and to exercise freely such right a special document that represent the symbol of each independent state is envisaged - the passport of a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan; the Law determines the rules of issuing passports to the citizens, the legal status of the citizens leaving for abroad to permanent residence, the rules of entry into the Republic of Azerbaijan and of exit from the Republic of Azerbaijan for foreigners.
Clause 1. The right of the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan to leave the country and to enter into the country
Each citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan (further - citizen) has a right as specified by the Law to free exit from the country and entry into the country through the check-points specially provided for such purposes. The citizen cannot be denied the right of exit from the country and of entry into the country. This right might be temporarily restricted in the following cases and simultaneously postponed in cases stipulated by the clause 4:
1) if the citizen has an obligation in force on information containing the state or military secret - until such obligation is invalidated by a procedure determined by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
2) if a citizen was known as a suspect or accused person or condemned on a criminal case, or mandatory actions of medical nature were taken against him/her - until proceeding on criminal prosecution is completed accordingly, service of sentence by him/her is completed or he/she is acquitted of the sentence, or application of mandatory actions of medical nature is terminated.;
3) when the citizen has been called up for military service until the completion of the military service or excusing from it in accordance with the law;
4) till carrying out of prophylactic vaccinations when entering the countries, where preventive inoculations should be done according to the international medical sanitary regulations or intergovernmental treaties, supported by the Republic of Azerbaijan and for exit from these countries.
5) in the case if there is a judgment at law on the temporary restriction of the right of a citizen to leave the country for failure to execute a writ issued on the basis of judgment, without good cause, within the period prescribed for voluntary execution - before making a decision to lift restrictions.
If an emergency situation or danger to life, health and freedom of people has been created in any country, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, immediately having notified the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan of it, might advise them to temporarily refrain from visiting that country.
The right of the persons admitted to the work with the state secrets, of entry to the foreign country for the permanent residence may be restricted till expiration of the period of the secrecy of information they have access to, however for the period not exceeding 5 years.
Clause 2. Realisation of citizen’s right of exit from the country and of entry into the country
The citizen’s right of exit from the country and of entry into the country in accordance with the procedure determined by the present Law is realised only on a basis of the passport of the citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan and permission to enter a foreign country - visa, issued in accordance with the international agreements, as well as on the basis of identity card, if the respective international treaty is concluded with foreign states. The right of return to the country of the citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan which lost the passport in the foreign country, or his/her passport was stolen or worn out, or holding the passport with expired validity term, in the absence of other documents for crossing the border, which give him/her the right to return to the country, shall be exercised on the basis of the certificate on return to the Republic of Azerbaijan. The form of certificate on return to the Republic of Azerbaijan and order of issue of such certificate shall be established by respective law of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The right for exit from the country and entry into the country of the citizen, working in any position of the seaman on the board of vessel, registered in the Republic of Azerbaijan and used for sea navigation, is exercised according to Regulation «On a seaman’s identity card», approved by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
A person under the age of 18 can leave the country only with the consent of his/her parents or legal representative, stated in writing and approved by a notary. In the absence of such consent from the one of the parents the matter of exit from the country for such person under age is settled on a basis of a court decision. In the case of the submission of the death certificate of one of the parents of a minor citizen or declaring him dead or missing, a court decision on deprivation of parental rights or certificate, issued by the relevant executive authority, that in birth records in the information about his/her father is prescribed on the instruction of the mother, that the consent of such parent is not required.
The exit from the country of a person under age intended for the permanent residence abroad is allowed only with the consent of each parent or his/her legal representative in written form and notarially attested. The exit from the country of a child, being the citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan and adopted by the foreigners or stateless citizens is allowed only in an order stipulated by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan with submission of a valid judgment of the court on adoption and adoption certificate.
A person recognised by court as non-competent can leave the country accompanied by his legal representative on a basis of a notarially attested application of his legal representative or a court decision.
Servicemen of Armoured Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan and other military units, envisaged by the legislation, with exception of servicemen, passing urgent actual military service may leave the Republic of Azerbaijan when there is permit of the head-quarters prepared in an established order.
Special regulations of entry to the Republic of Azerbaijan and exit from the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be established by the respective executive power authority when announcing the mobilization.
Clause 3. Passport of the citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Passport of the citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan (further passport) - uniform document identifying a citizen’s person outside of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and issue to exercise by him/her the right of exit from the country and entry into the country.
The passport is issued to every cistizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the order established by this Law and is valid for entry to all countries.
The types of passports: civil, service and diplomatic. Descriptions, specifications and samples of the passports shall be approved by the relevant executive authority.
The passport is a property of the Republic of Azerbaijan and withdrawal of it from the citizen or taking as a security is absolutely forbidden except cases envisaged by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Each citizen must safely keep the passport. In case of loss of the passport the citizen is obliged immediately to notify the state body that issued the passport about it, and if such loss occurred abroad - the diplomatic representation or consulate of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Diplomatic representations or consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan jointly with respective executive power authority of the Republic of Azerbaijan shall provide such citizens with the document allowing to return to the Republic of Azerbaijan in the shortest possible time.
After the death of a citizen his passport as well as passport with expired period of validity is to be handed over to the appropriate state body.
Clause 4. Civil passport
The civil passport is issued by the relevant executive authority after application of the citizen within ten working days, and in case of emergency treatment of a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan or person(s), accompanying him/her in travel, or a serious illness or death of a close relative, living abroad - within two working days on the basis of documents envisaged by the «Regulations on the application of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan» «On passports», approved by the relevant executive authority. In cases stipulated by the Law of Republic of Azerbaijan «On State Duty», civil passport is issued within five or one working days, according to the state fee amount paid by the citizen.
If the citizen is leaving together with children under age, their photographs must be pasted and their names must be entered into his civil passport.
For issuance of the civil passport a state duty in the amount of twenty conventional financial units is collected.
The civil passport is issued for children under the age of 1 year for a period of one year, for children aged 1 to 3 years for a period of three years, for children from 3 to 18 years for a period of five years, and persons who have reached 18 years of age for a period of ten years,
Clause 5. Service passport
The service passport is issued to the following persons sent on a business trip abroad: officials, list of which shall be approved by the respective executive authority, senior officers of respective executive authority of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Milli Majlis, Counting Board, senior officers of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Central Bank, financial monitoring authority, judges, members of Central Electoral Commission, deputies of Supreme Majlis of the Nakhchyvan Autonomous Republic, senior officers of the executive authority of the Nakhchyvan Autonomous Republic, heads of respective executive authorities and their deputies, administrative and technical officials of representations of the Republic of Azerbaijan abroad, and if they work abroad longer than three month - to their wives (husbands), children under 18 years of age and disabled children reaching the age of 18, and also to the workers of sea vessels and aircraft’s, railway and automobile transport of international routes. The service passport is issued by respective executive authority of the Republic of Azerbaijan not later than within 5 days after receiving of application of the appropriate state body’s heads for the term of office of their owners or for the period of 5 years.
For issuance or replacement of the service passport a state duty in the amount of ten conventional financial units is not collected.
Authorised representatives of the Republic of Azerbaijan abroad are obliged to provide assistance to the owner of such passport in execution his service duties abroad.
Clause 6. Diplomatic passport
The diplomatic passport is issued by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan to:
1) President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, First Vice-President and Vice-Presidents of the Republic of Azerbaijan, deputies of Melli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Chairman of Counting Board of the Republic of Azerbaijan, deputy chairman and auditors, members of the Cabinet of Ministers, judges of the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, judges of the Constitutional Court, Supreme Court, judge, elected to the European Court of Human Rights from the Republic of Azerbaijan, Chairmen of the Appeal Courts, Chairman of the Court for grave crimes, chairman of the Court Martial for grave crimes, General Prosecutor and his deputies, human rights commissioner (ombudsman) of the Republic of Azerbaijan, members of the Judicial-Legal Council, chairman of the Central Bank and his deputies, head of the financial monitoring authority, chairman of the Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan, leading officials (high officials, including heads of the departments) of staff of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, other bodies directly supporting the activities of the head of the Azerbaijan state, as well as Milli Majlis, Counting Board, leading officials of staff of the Cabinet of Ministers, Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan, heads of central executive bodies, persons occupying diplomatic positions, and also to the chairman of Supreme Majlis of the Nakhchyvan Autonomous Republic, his deputies, members of the Cabinet of Ministers, chairman of the Supreme Court of the Nakhchyvan Autonomous Republic and his deputies, Prosecutor of the Nakhchyvan Autonomous Republic not later than within 15 days after they start to fulfil their duties;
2) on a basis of an order of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, of the chairman of the Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and in extraordinary cases of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan - to the members of delegations and special delegates representing the Republic of Azerbaijan at international conferences, meetings and negotiations, at sessions of UNO General Assembly, in UNO bodies, at conferences of international organisations, interstate meetings and contacts;
3) wives (husbands), children under 18 years of age, disabled children, reaching the age of 18 and unmarried daughters over 18 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, First Vice-President and Vice-Presidents of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Chairman of the Milli Majlis, Prime Minister, Chairman of the Constitutional Court, judge, elected to the European Court of Human Rights from the Republic of Azerbaijan, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and of all other above mentioned persons sent abroad for a period exceeding 3 months, who will accompany them.
4) officers of the courier communication service, transporting the diplomatic correspondence;
5) officers of the relevant executive authority, serving in operating in foreign countries and international organizations, diplomatic missions and consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
6) sales representatives in embassies and consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan operating in foreign countries;
7) military attaches, military representatives, including other officers of the military attache and military mission, appointed by the relevant executive authority, operating in foreign states and international organizations;
8) representatives of the relevant executive authority in foreign states and international organizations.
No state duty for issuance or replacement of the diplomatic passport is collected.
Children under age of the owner might be entered into the diplomatic passport and in such cases their photos also are pasted in the passport. Usage of such passport by the family members for exit from the country or entry into the country without its proper owner is forbidden.
The diplomatic passport is given to its owner for five years or for the period determined for the fulfilment of special duties.
Diplomatic passport to the President, First Vice-President and Vice-Presidents of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the former President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and his spouse, chairman of Milli Majlis, Prime-Minister, chairman of Supreme Court, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan is given for lifetime.
Such passport gives diplomatic immunity abroad to its owner. All competent officials are obliged to provide assistance to the owner of the diplomatic passport and to persons entered into it in free and safe crossing of the borders and in other necessary circumstances.
Clause 7. Information indicated in the passport
Regardless of type in each passport:
1) its name, the state insignia of the Republic of Azerbaijan, state court, type, serial number of the passport, surname, name, patronym of the owner, nationality, place and date of birth, sex, personal identification number, blood group, name of body issuing the passport, date of issue, period of validity, owner signature, surnames, names, sex and date of birth of children under 18, leaving together with him/her, requirements to passport should be specified;
2) the place for the photo of the passport holder, a special sign indicating the presence of the electronic medium (chip) and an inscription of two lines that can be read by the machine;;
3) notes of permissions to enter the foreign countries (visas) and other special notes are made (about passages through customs and border points).
In addition to this information in the service passport provisions specified in subclause three of clause 5 of the present Law, and in the diplomatic passport - provisions, specified in subclause five of clause 6 of the present Law, validity period, prolonged period, the name of body granted such prolongation, the date of prolongation are to be specified.
Entries in the passport are made in the state language of the Republic of Azerbaijan and in English and certified by signature and seal by the responsible official of the appropriate state body.
Electronic medium (chip) is placed in the passport. The electronic medium contains the information specified in the first part of this article (except for the signature of the passport holder), facial image and fingerprints of the passport holder, reaching 15 years of age and other information in cases specified by the relevant executive authority.
The official, entering information, provided for in this Article, into a passport or its electronic media, shall be responsible for the accuracy of such information.
Clause 8. Application for passport
The passport is issued on a basis of an application of the citizen (of one of his/her parents, or legal representative), or on a basis of a request of the enterprise, institution, organisation, submitted to the appropriate state body.
The state duty payment document, photos, consent of the parents or of the legal representative of children under 18, and in the cases envisaged by subclause one of clause 9 of the present Law and representing an urgent situation - the document confirming such cases should be enclosed to the application for issuance of the passport.
Taking the fingerprints of the citizen applying for a passport, as well as the photographing in accordance with the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization shall be held at the relevant state authority, that issues the passport. The fingerprints of the citizens who have not attained the age of 15 shall not be taken.
Clause 9. Examination of application (request) for passport
The citizen’s application (request of the enterprise, institution, organisation) for the passport is examined subject to type of the passport within periods specified in clause 4, 5 or 6 of the present Law; if the voyage is connected with the urgent medical treatment of the owner or persons leaving with him/her, or with a serious illness or death of a relative abroad - not later than 48 hours after submission of the documents confirming these facts.
If the right of a citizen to leave the country is temporarily restricted under circumstances specified in the Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the request for passport is declined with written notification of the applicant about the reasons and the renewed application (request) is examined after the reasons leading to the refusal are determined.
The application for passport is declined if a document containing false information about nationality or invalid had been submitted, and the matter can be reconsidered only after submission of new documents.
The application for passport in connection with the state or military secret can be declined only in the cases envisaged by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
A citizen may make complaints under administrative procedures and (or) apply to court to take action against the procrastination or refusal to issue the passport.
Information about the working hours of the passport issuing authority, a list of documents required for the issuance or replacement of the passport and the fee amount subject to payment must be posted on the official website of the relevant executive authority and on clearly distinguishable boards, located in front of buildings of the passport issuing structures.
Clause 10. Replacement of the passport
On the expiration of passport validity or a change of surname, name, patronymic of the citizen or damage of the passport, including its electronic medium (chip) or the establishment of false data in the passport or electronic media, the passport should be replaced.
For the replacement of the passport the state duty is collected in the amount indicated in clause 4 of the present Law.
The passport is replaced by procedure specified by clause 8 and 9 of the present Law.
When establishing the unreliability in the information, specified in the passport or electronic media, passport must be replaced without charging the state fee within one day from the date of its handover.
Clause 11. Legal status of citizens leaving the country for permanent residence abroad
The citizens leaving the country for permanent residence abroad:
- enjoy all rights given by Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan including the right of pension as specified by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and have all duties;
- can take with them all property belonging to them or to members of their family except things excluded from the civil circulation as specified by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Removal of articles of art representing cultural and historic value and of other valuables is governed by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
- are registered abroad by a consulate institution of the Republic of Azerbaijan and corresponding notes are made in their passports;
- in accordance with decisions of courts of the Republic of Azerbaijan regardless of place of residence they must in due time make payments of alimonies and other property obligations;
- enter the country for temporary residence on a basis of the passport, and for returning to the country for the permanent residence, note of withdrawal from records must be made in the passport at consulate missions of the Republic of Azerbaijan abroad.
Clause 12. Entry into the Republic of Azerbaijan and exit from the Republic of Azerbaijan for foreigners
Foreigners and persons without citizenship (further - foreigners) may enter the Republic of Azerbaijan as specified by Law on condition of passage through special check-points on a basis of personal passports and permission - visa, issued in accordance with international agreements. Foreigners who obtain a permit for permanent or temporary residence in the Republic of Azerbaijan, may exit from the Republic of Azerbaijan and entry to the Republic of Azerbaijan on the basis of their own passports (or other documents for border crossing) and permissive licenses for permanent or temporary residence, issued by the relevant executive authority of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Entry of foreigners into the Republic of Azerbaijan is forbidden only in the following cases:
1) if it is vital for the protection of national security or public order;
2) if it is necessary for the protection of rights and legal interests of the citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan and other persons;
3) if the persons broke requirements of laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan during his previous visit to the country;
4) if the person gave false information about himself/herself in the application to enter the Republic of Azerbaijan;
5) if the entry into the Republic of Azerbaijan of the person suffering from mental or infectious (contagious) diseases constitutes a threat to public health (except the persons who do not constitute such threat and arriving at his/her or their legal trustee’s expense for medical treatment);
6) if a person had earlier been taken outside the boundaries of the Republic of Azerbaijan;
7) if a person’s entry into the Republic of Azerbaijan was considered undesirable.
Milli Majlis of the Republic of Azerbaijan in accordance with the interstate agreements concluded by the Republic of Azerbaijan, and by Decree of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan can establish a simplified (without visa) procedure on a basis of the personal passport for foreigners to enter the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Term of temporary stay of a foreigner in the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be determined by the term of stay in the country mentioned in granted to him/her visa.
In case when a foreigner has come to the Republic of Azerbaijan on no visa is required basis, the term of his/her stay in the Republic of Azerbaijan may not be longer than 90 days. If, after expiration of this term, the foreigner’s stay in the Republic of Azerbaijan was not extended by the relevant executive authority, he/she was not granted permission to temporarily live in the Republic of Azerbaijan, or if no application was received from him/ her with request to give such permission, he/she must leave the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Rules of extension of terms of temporary stay of foreigners in the Republic of Azerbaijan shall be determined by the relevant executive authority.
A foreigner who enters the Republic of Azerbaijan on the basis of a visa or in visa-free order and term of temporary residence on the territory of the Republic of which was extended by the relevant executive authority may leave the country by passing through checkpoints of state border, providing a personal passport (another document on the state border passing) and the decision to extend the temporary stay.
The exit of foreigners from the Republic of Azerbaijan can be temporarily restricted in the following cases:
1) if their exit can cause damage to national security - till the removal of this reason;
2) if they were known as suspects or accused persons on a criminal case - untill proceeding on the criminal prosecution against them is completed;
3) if they are condemned for committing a crime - till the discharge or full serving of the punishment;
4) if a civil action is brought against them in court accordingly till a decision on this civil case comes into force a specified by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
5) in the case if there is a judgment at law on the temporary restriction of their right to leave the country for failure to execute a writ issued on the basis of judgment, without good cause, within the period prescribed for voluntary execution - before making a decision to lift restrictions.
Lack of prophylactic vaccinations in accordance with the current legislation will be resulted in forbiddance or restriction of entry of foreigners-residents of the Republic of Azerbaijan when entering the countries, where preventive inoculations should be done according to the international medical sanitary regulations or intergovernmental treaties, supported by the Republic of Azerbaijan and for exit from these countries.
Foreigners entering the Republic of Azerbaijan and leaving it should be registered in appropriate state bodies a specified by Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Clause 13. Entry and transit visas
The entry visa is granted to foreigners to enter the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan in general order. The period of its validity is established for the single entry-exit from three days to three months, and for multiple entry-exit - from one to two years. If the visa is not used within this period it becomes invalid.
The return visa might be given to foreigners who have a personal passport if they apply for it when leaving the Republic of Azerbaijan to return to its territory for the period of up to one month. This visa becomes invalid if not used within six month from the date of exit from the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Tourists are issued a single entry-exit visa. Such visas stipulate a 30-day stay in the country.
The single or multiple transit visa is granted to foreigners going to other countries for passing through the territory of Republic of Azerbaijan. If the transit visa has not any notes or seals about the non-stop passage its owner has a right to stay in the Republic of Azerbaijan for not longer than five days.
The exit visa is issued to foreigners having an official permission to reside in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The exit visa is given without collecting the state duty.
Foreigners must in advance before the expiration of the period indicated in their visas make a decision on the matter of its prolongation in order to stay in or leave the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Clause 14. Receipt of a visa
To obtain a visa the foreigners must apply (personally or through a representative) with the application for a visa stating the purpose and period of entry to the Embassy or Consulate of the Republic of Azerbaijan in their home country or third countries, and in cases established by the relevant executive authority - directly to the appropriate executive authority, enclosing the required documents to the application and the state duty payment document for issuing a visa. Visa processing is carried out through inter-agency automated information retrieval system «Entry-exit and registration».
To obtain a visa the tourists apply through travel agencies.
To obtain a visa for the tourists, travel companies can apply in the electronic order (via internet). To do this, it is required to apply to the Embassy and Consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the country of residence of foreigners, and for foreigners who live in countries that do not have Embassies and Consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan - to the Embassies and Consulates in the Republic of Azerbaijan in third countries. To obtain a visa in the electronic order, the electronic application form posted in the information resources of Embassies and Consulates in the Internet should be completed and send by electronic means scanned copy of the passport of the person, photos, the state duty payment document and documents, proving the commission of a trip for tourism purpose (tourist voucher and tourist destination, passenger ticket and a document certifying the room reservation in a hotel, camping, tourist camp or other similar objects) to the Embassy and Consulates. Upon receipt, the documents are considered in accordance with legislation and terms, registered visa in electronic order is sent to the e-mail address of the applicant. Reasonable information is provided regarding refusal to grant visas.
Visa, provided in an electronic order is not attached to the passport and when passing the border checkpoint is submitted by a tourist with a passport. When passing the border checkpoint, the record on entry of a person to the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan and its departure from the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan is made in the passport and visa.
Visa, provided in an electronic manner, has a special machine readable code. Description and sample of the visa form, provided in an electronic manner is approved by the relevant executive authority.
To obtain a visa for tourists, travel companies can also send documents of the person to the Embassies and Consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan through the mail. After receiving by the Embassy or Consulate, the documents are considered in accordance with legislation and terms, after registration, visa, passport of a person and other documents (except for documents that should be remained at the Embassy or Consulate) will be returned to the travel company by mail. In case of refusal to issue a visa, the documents are returned with the appropriate letter.
List of documents required for granting a visa, application form and information about the amount of state duties, as well as about the Embassies and Consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan in third countries, where the foreigners who live in countries that do not have Embassies and Consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan should apply for visas, are published at information resources of the relevant executive authorities, Embassies and Consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Internet.
The list of documents enclosed to the applications of foreigners for visas is determined by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and the amount of the state duty is fixed by the legislation.
The application of foreigners for issuance of visa are considered by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan or by the Embassies and consulates of the Republic of Azerbaijan within one month from the date of submission; if the voyage is connected with an urgent medical treatment or serious illness or death of a relative residing in the Republic of Azerbaijan, within 48 hours after submission of documents confirming these facts. Applications for visas granting to tourists are considered not later than fifteen working days after the addressing. In the cases envisaged by subclause two of clause 12 of the present Law the application is declined with written notification of the applicant of reasons and his/her renewed application will be considered after withdrawal of such reasons.
Foreigners can file a complaint by administrative order and(or) to the court about procrastination in consideration of their application for visa or refusal to grant the same.
Clause 15. Foreigners entering the Republic of Azerbaijan without passport or visa
Foreigners crossing the border of the Republic of Azerbaijan in violation of requirement of the present Law without passport, visa or with invalid passport and other document, are sent back. Reception of such persons declaring that their passport and documents were lost is possible before the investigation carried out by Ministry of Internal Affairs on condition that they are located at a place determined by the head of executive power of the nearest region.
Clause 16. Responsibility for violation of the present Law
For entering false information into the passport, its loss, intentional damage, theft, forgery, selling, illegal manufacturing or usage, or for violation of entry-exit rules specified by the present Law quilty persons bear administrative or criminal responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Clause 17. Application of the international agreements
If rules determined by an international agreement of the Republic of Azerbaijan differ from the specified by the present Law the rules of the international agreement are applicable.
President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Baku, June 14, 1994
No. 813
Published in the «Bulletin of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan», 1994, No. 18, Article 243.
With amendments dated 12 May, 1995, No. 1035; 25 April, 1997, No. 284-IQD; 26 June, 1997, No. 357-IQD; 14 November 1997, No. 399-IQD; 26 December, 2000, No. 48-IIG; 20 February, 2001, No. 88-IIQD; 24 April, 2001, No. 124-IIQD; 05 October, 2001, No. 181-IIQD; 19 October, 2001, No. 210-IIG; 2 July, 2002, No. 356-IIQD; 30 April, 2004, No. 643-IIQD; 4 March, 2005 , No. 850-IIQD; 1 September, 2005 , No. 980-IIQD; 23 December, 2005, No. 32-IIIQD; 30 December, 2005, No. 51-IIIQD; 3 March 2006, No. 72-IIIQD; 21 April, 2006, No. 99-IIIQD; 20 October, 2006, No. 171-IIIQD; 20 October, 2006, No. 168-IIIQD; 28 November, 2006, No. 182-IIIQD; 19 December, 2006, No. 203-IIIQD; 16 June, 2007, No. 385-IIIQD; 16 June, 2007, No. 386-IIIQD; 9 October, 2007, No. 430-IIIQD; 1 February, 2008, No. 542-IIIQD; 13 June, 2008, No. 649-IIIQD; 24 June, 2008, No. 658-IIIQD; 2 October, 2008, No. 694-IIIQD; 30 June, 2009, No. 858-IIIQD; 1 February, 2010, 945-IIIQD; 5 March, 2010, No. 972-IIIQD; 30 September, 2010, No. 1075-IIIG; 8 April, 2011, No. 97-IVQD; 10 June, 2011, No. 141-IVQD; 17 May, 2011, No. 109-IVQD; 12 June, 2012, No. 377-IVQD (with the exception of Articles 1.1.2, 1.3 and 1.4, other provisions of this Law enter into force since June 2013); 19 April, 2013, No. 616-IVQD (amendments to the first part of Article 2 are effective since 1 January, 2014); 31 May, 2013, No. 671-IVQD; 21 June, 2013, No. 701-IVQD; 25 February, 2014, No. 913-IVQD; 17 October, 2014, No. 1055-IVQD; 29 May, 2015, No. 1294-IVQD; 2 May, 2017, No. 659-VQD; 16 May, 2017, No. 671-VQD; 1 December, 2017, No. 910-VQD; 30 October, 2018, No. 1305-VQD; 28 December, 2018, No. 1444-VQD; 5 March, 2019, No. 1529-VQD; 20 December, 2021, No. 437-VIQD.
* Established by fifth part of Article 12 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "About exit from the country, entry into the country and passports" the period of temporary stay in the Republic of Azerbaijan of foreigners who arrived in the Republic of Azerbaijan under visa-free regime before the entry into force of Law No. 658-IIIQD of June 24, 2008, is calculated from the date of entry into force of this Law.