A history-making historic day
Event participants observed a minute of silence in tribute to the memory of National Leader Heydar Aliyev and police officers killed on duty for independence and territorial integrity of our country. The national anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was played.
Speaking at the ceremony, Minister Vilayat Eyvazov congratulated the teaching staff and students of the Academy on the occasion of this remarkable day and noted that the graduation day is an unforgettable event and, at the same time, the beginning of a new life. He also emphasized that graduates are at the threshold of more responsible and honorable activity.
It was also stated that following the independence demand for highly-qualified police personnel was high on the agenda and the Police Academy was, therefore, established on the base of the Baku Special Higher Militia School and acquired the status of a first-degree higher education institution. Further development of the Academy was connected with the names of the Great Leader and acting President Ilham Aliyev. Over the past years logistics has been significantly strengthened and up-to-date infrastructure has been formed in the Academy.
Recalling thoughts expressed in the congratulations of the President on the 100th Anniversary of the Police, Colonel General Vilayat Eyvazov called the education of the Azerbaijani police new generation which distinguishes itself by modern thinking, patriotism and other moral qualities, responses to new challenges and have a modern world outlook for achieving the goals the success achieved by the teaching staff of the Academy.

Mr. Eyvazov emphasized that the community highly appreciated the successful discharge of duties by internal affairs officers in the field of implementation of social isolation measures introduced from the 14th March despite the challenges of the pandemic period, assistance rendered by every police officer to people within the law in spite of the tight work schedule, their help in solving people life problems, sensitivity to citizens applications as well as unrelenting fight against criminals and offenders.

Chief of the Police Academy Major General of Police Nazim Aliyev delivered a report on the work done to improve the training process in this higher educational police institution and further strengthen the logistics of the Academy.
He assured the Minister of Internal Affairs that they will continue to work diligently using all available knowledge and skills to ensure full and high-level implementation of the requirements, orders and instructions on further improvement of the training process, involvement of qualified specialists in this work, education of new generation police officers who are able to work at the high professional level and use state-of-the-art information technologies, and as a whole, on training of the qualified personnel meeting contemporary challenges and threats.
At the end of the event, the Minister of Internal Affairs presented diplomas and shoulder marks of the special rank of "police lieutenant" to Ata Veliyev, Mahammad Rzayev, and Nurlan Yusifov who graduated from the Police Academy with honors.
Police lieutenant Nurlan Mirzayev fastened a symbolic memorial plaque. Then, the battle flag was handed over to the fourth-year attendees. The attendees performed the “Azerbaijan Police” March.
At the end, the personnel marched by the tribune.